What is coaching?

Career coaches specialise in helping people achieve their personal and professional goals.  Typically, this is accomplished through a series of 1-on-1 or group coaching sessions aimed at helping you reach your full potential. A professional coach can provide a variety of tools and techniques while providing an objective viewpoint. 

In my coaching with clients, I emphasise three pillars: confidence, clarity and impact. My coaching approach is informed by my professional experiences in corporate marketing and my own experiences reinventing my career.

Is coaching the same as counselling or therapy?

The purpose of counseling and therapy is to resolve the client's problems. Therapy or counselling is sought by people who are dissatisfied with their lives and seeking relief from psychological or physical symptoms.They would rather escape pain or discomfort than pursue their desired goals. The goal of therapy and counselling is often to understand what went wrong in the past so that you can be better in the present. 

The focus of coaching is on the present and the future. A coach may work with a client who has a good life, but wants to improve it further.

Coaching vs mentoring - what is the difference?

A mentor is a senior person in the business who guides a junior person based on their specific industry knowledge, skills and/or experience. A coach does not need to be an expert in the client's field. The role of a coach is to provide guidance to a client on achieving their goals.

Is there a benefit to working with a certified career coach?

Yes, as the term "coach" is currently used very broadly. There are people who call themselves coaches without any formal training or certification. Others have completed formal training programs, such as the International Coach Academy, which is the world's largest online training program accredited by the International Coach Federation (ICF).

Coaches with ICF credentials have demonstrated a strong commitment to excellence in coaching and have completed rigorous education and experience requirements. Certified coaches have completed coach-specific training, accumulated a certain number of experience hours, and have worked with a coach themselves, demonstrating a genuine commitment to coaching. 

I am a Certified Professional Coach by the International Coach Academy and a certified Practitioner of Neurolinguistic Programming. I hold Professional Certified Coach (PCC) credentials from the International Coach Federation (ICF) Singapore. With more than 2,300 coaching hours under my belt, I have served over 250 professionals and teams from more than 40 countries across five continents.

How much does coaching cost?

Each coach has a different pricing structure. There are some who charge per session, while there are others who charge monthly fees for a set number of sessions. Coaches who are certified by the International Coaches Federation or accredited coaches schools may charge more due to their level of experience or expertise.

If you’re interested in working with me, you can contact me for my current fees. Ad-hoc and/or longer packages can be tailor made based on your specific needs.

How long do people work with coaches?

While exceptions do exist, it is often necessary to attend multiple sessions to overcome longstanding barriers. It takes at least 90 days for significant changes to occur in the lives of my coaching clients. The most popular package I offer is my 12-session, 6-month package, but some people choose to move more or less quickly. As a coach, I always encourage clients to let me know when they feel our time together is complete. You should get tremendous value from every single session we have together, and if you don't, you can stop at any time.


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