Meet your Leadership & Transition Coach.
Hi, I’m Katia Melazzi!
I work with brilliant, committed and result-oriented corporate women who may feel stuck at critical transition points while wanting to advance in their careers.
With less than 10% of CEO positions in Fortune 500 companies occupied by women, I saw this trend similarly reflected at VP and Director level and in the careers of my friends and family.
These were incredibly capable and talented women and yet time and time again I would hear about how they were overlooked, undervalued and passed over for promotions or paid less than their male counterparts.
It became my mission to empower women with the skills and strategies they need to rise to the senior management and board-level positions they deserve.
I am passionate about coaching women on how to change their mindsets, build their self-confidence, and unlock their path to growth, so that they can lead with confidence, clarity and impact. By supporting women like you to navigate the factors that may prevent them from accessing senior roles, I help them choose the actions that enable their development to the next level, and accelerate their growth.
With more than 3,500 coaching hours under my belt, I have served over 400 professionals and teams from more than 50 countries across five continents.

“You deserve a career you love!”
My Purpose
The purpose of my coaching practice is to equip ambitious women with the tools they need to thrive in the corporate world. As part of my broader mission, I am committed to achieving gender equality and empowering women and girls, a critical component of UN Sustainable Development Goal 5.
This decision to focus on female leadership was inspired by my volunteer work with the Tabitha Foundation Singapore and Nokor Tep Society Singapore, which work to support Cambodian families get out of poverty, as well as PrimeTime, Business and Professional Women’s Association, which aims to empower women to reach their highest potential.
Nothing lights a fire in me like helping talented women build their authentic and unique leadership style while achieving their full potential.